Friday, April 15, 2022

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Hi Families, 

Despite the daily snow storms, that seemed to peak at our dismissal time, we had a wonderful week that ended with our in-class art program! For some reason I cannot get the photos to post in order, sorry families!

Learning the "dip, drip, drop" method.

Some of our finished products. 
We look forward to bringing them home soon!

Leah Donald, fibre artist.
Our first in-person visit this year!

Leah guiding us through the art.
We used local, dyed wool roving for the felting process. 

Agitation is key to getting the wool fibres to stick together!
Bubble wrap gives bumpy agitation.

Another unique form of agitation. 
Wet felting is fun and easy!

Additional photos are in our Google Classroom as a slide show: Google Classroom --> Classwork --> Artifacts of Learning. 

Thank you to our volunteers who were able to support our wet felting experience - many hands make for a successful experience! It is so exciting having volunteers back in the classroom! We will have another volunteer opportunity in May, and possibly in June, so if you are interested in volunteering, please make sure your police clearance is complete by calling the office. 

In Math, we continued exploring 2D shapes and 3D objects. Students were assigned "homework" - what 2D shapes and 3D objects can you find at home? We invited students to play I Spy with you, identifying what shape or object they saw on the exterior of your home, and see if you could find it. This is also a great car game for driving to school! 

What shapes and objects can you find in your home? In your community?
What structures are made up of lots of different shapes?
Read aloud:

In Literacy, we created a labeled Guided Drawing of an Easter bunny. We connected to our poem this week, and labeled the body parts that "hop" and "flop", using rhyming parts for efficient spelling. 

Our Easter Bunny Guided Drawings:
Ears that flop and feet that hop!

Can your child teach you the drawing?
Hint: start with the eyes.

Finally, with the return of carpets to the classroom, we are practicing the skill of sitting at the carpet for learning. Students were introduced to Listening Larry to help support what is called "Whole Body Listening". They quickly picked up the importance of having all our body parts listening when there is information being shared.

Listening Larry Whole Body Listening.
Ask your child how to listen with each body part,
and why it is important. 

If you would like to watch the story at home:

And the additional text to support connections at home:

Lake Bonavista School is planning for next year, and needs your help to prepare staffing and classroom organization. Please take a moment to fill out our next year planning form to help us build actual student numbers for 2022/2023: Planning for Next Year Form

Upcoming important dates:
- Monday, April 18th: No School for Students. PD Day for Teachers.
- Friday, April 22nd: AM Kindergarten
- Friday, April 29th: PM Kindergarten
- School Council Growing Smiles Fundraiser: Growing Smiles Fundraiser

Have a wonderful long weekend everyone! We will see students on TUESDAY! 

Ms. Thomas