Sunday, February 27, 2022

Thursday, February 24th, 2022

Hi Families!


A new dice game was learned in Math, the 'Sandwich Game' introducing them to the idea of 'between'. Children worked in partners to each roll a die, communicate with each other and identify whose die had more or less and then order the dice smallest number first and largest number second. Next, one partner rolled a third die. Together the partners read the number and decided where the number would go in relation to the dice they had already rolled: before, after or in-between. If the die went in-between, the partners got to say 'Sandwich! Chomp!' and pretend to chomp. Ask your child to play this game with you at home!

Green die - partner 1
Yellow die - partner 2
Red die - 3rd dice

Phys. Ed.

This week we took out our parachute and learned how to be safe and responsible with it while having fun! We played Ring around the Rosie, Popcorn and learned how to make a tent by lifting the parachute. 

Alberta Institute for Wildlife Conservation Presentation

This week the children has the opportunity to learn from The Alberta Institute for Wildlife Conservation. We attended an online session titled 'Who's in Your Backyard?' We were Wildlife Detectives learning about what clues can help us identify animals using our 5 Senses.  Did you know that owls have the softest feathers or bird poop feels like toothpaste? We listened to recordings of different animals including a Saw-whet Owl, a porcupine and a frog. What can you hear in your backyard? Ask your child what their favourite part of the presentation was. Stayed tuned for Student Led conference information to see how we use our new learning!

Jack Rabbit tracks.
This jack rabbit is moving down the screen. 
Their back feet make the first impression in the snow!

Owl track while catching its dinner. Ask your child to tell you more!

Moose compared to deer poop!

 Bear compared to porcupine poop! 
How to help keep animals safe!

Upcoming Important Dates:

March 4th- AM Kinder attends
March 10th -Evening Online Student Led Conferences
March 11th- No school-Online Student Led Conferences
March 17th- Spirit Day - Inside Out Day
March 18th- PM Kinder attends
March 21st-25th- Spring Break-No School 
March 28th -First Day back after Spring Break 

Have a great weekend!
Ms. Thomas