Friday, February 11, 2022

Friday, February 11th, 2022

Hi Families, 

Celebration Day! Today students are bringing home their All About Me posters to share with you! You will notice that each poster has a Bullseye Rubric and Example/NonExample Rubric that students used to self-assess their self-portrait. Please celebrate their use of the rubrics, as they are a tool for knowing how to improve your work, and make goals, not about being right or wrong. Try asking your chid, "What would you do differently next time?"

Alongside the posters, your child's video presentation is now posted in Google Classroom. Again, these are for CELEBRATION - getting up in front of your peers to share takes a lot of bravery and we are so proud that every child presented and made a video. 

Your child's video can be located in Google Classroom --> Classwork --> All About Me Videos --> Name

If you have not yet logged on to Google Classroom this year, your child's video will not yet be posted. Please log on, and we will check on Monday and add in any videos needed at that point. 


In Math, we have continued to work on various representations of number lines, embedding subitizing practice, number order, quantity and abstraction of quantity to size. 

Creating a number line with Montessori Bead Bars, applying our subitizing Superpower!

Creating sets of dots for our own personal number lines.

Our inspiration book.

Students ordered their fish according to size,
some ordering from largest to smallest, 
and others from smallest to largest.
They then labeled each fish with the corresponding number from 1-10.

The beginnings of another collaborative art project:
each fishes scales are the number we associate with that size of fish.
Lots of targeted number writing practice!

We also continued developing our reasoning ability through regular Which One Doesn't Belong?
Which One Doesn't Belong?
Can you apply vocabulary such as: dice, set, numeral, equal pairs or doubles?

Which One Doesn't Belong?
Can you apply the vocabulary: rows, equal, height (tall), length (long)?


In whole class, small group and individual practice, we continue to develop our ability to stretch out and identify sounds in words. Students are using one of two kinaesthetic strategies: pulling their hands apart to model "stretching" or using a rollercoaster movement, which works best for CVC words.

We are strengthening our identification of vowel sounds, especially differentiating between short e and i, as they are very similar. Associating the action or cue word from our Animated Literacy program helps with proper sound production. 

Actress Annie: make the addition sign with your arms, cue word is "adding"
Edgar Elf: lift your arms like your lifting weights, cue word is "exercise"
Ichabod Ichthyosaurus: scratch your tummy, cue word is "itchy"
Dr. Ollie Ostrich: open your mouth wide, cue word is "ostrich"
Uncle Upton: point upwards, cue word is "up" or "upside down"

We are also working on accurate use of capitals and lowercase in our own names. You can support this at home by providing opportunities to practice, as well as correcting for lowercase letters through their name. 


February is all about kindness, friendship and caring. We have been creating a collaborative set of art called, "Kindergarten Has Heart" where students are contributing 3 different mediums to one abstract collage.

We brainstormed different kinds of straight and curved lines.
Some lines we even gave nicknames to - can your child tell you the name of some lines?

Each child added a straight or curved line of their choice to their classes heart. 
Ask your child if they can pick out the line they made.

We then thought about prints, and where we had seen or heard of prints or printing before.
Lots of great ideas! Can you think of others?

Each child added a print using loose parts.
Some prints were surprising depending on the loose part we chose.
Ask your child to pick out the print they made. 

Spirit Days

Finally, we celebrated Funky Feet Day on Thursday! 

Other Spirit Days coming up:

- Thursday, February 24th: Beach Day
- Thursday, March 10th: Inside Out Day
- Every Friday: School Spirit Day! Wear your school t-shirt or the colour blue. 

Report Cards

A reminder that report cards were made available on Tuesday, February 1st, and they are only available online through PowerSchool. If you are uncertain how to access your PowerSchool account or find the report card, please contact the office. Formal conferences are not until March, however, please do not hesitate to reach out before then if you have any questions about your child or their report card. 

Important Upcoming Dates

- Thursday, February 17th: Teacher's Convention. No school for students.
- Friday, February 18th: Teacher's Convention. No school for students.
- Monday, February 21st: Family Day Holiday. School closed.
- Friday, February 25th: PM Kindergarten.

Have a wonderful weekend families!
Ms. Thomas