Friday, October 29, 2021

Friday, October 29th, 2021

Hi Families, 


This week, our rhyme was "Five Little Pumpkins". There are a few different versions of this rhyme, so we've included our version below. Each day, we learned a new verse to the rhyme, and identified whether there are rhyming words, practicing isolating words in context, as well as developed actions. Have your child share the rhyme and actions with you at home.

Our rhyme also connected to our Friday STEM challenge (PM Kindergarten students will do the STEM challenge next week, so no picture posted!) Ask your child what the challenge was. 

We continued introducing our Animated Literacy characters, and pairing the letter with its sound and action. The Animated Literacy visuals are now in Google Classroom if you would like a copy for home practice. 


In Math, we have been practicing counting groups of objects, as well as creating our own groups for counting. Children practice accurate 1:1 correspondence through different strategies when counting, depending on the size of the group: pointing to each item as it is counted, pulling the item away from the group as it's counted, or transferring objects from one hand to the other when counted. 

When counting at home, try counting to at least 15 with your child, and listen for discrimination between 12, 13, 14, 15. 


Kindergarten teachers all over the Calgary Board of Education are currently collecting information for the EYE-TA, until November 5th. Information regarding the assessment was sent home earlier to families. Observations and results for your child will be shared during November conferences. 


Please remember to pack extra masks in your child's backpack to be used as needed. As a school, we are handing out a large number of single-use masks daily. 


- please see the additional blog note regarding MOVE-vember and the Veteran's Food Drive
- Freezer Feastival ongoing until November 11th: 

- Tuesday, November 2nd: Photo Retakes
- Thursday, November 11th: Remembrance Day. School Closed. 
- Friday, November 12th: PD Day. No school for students. 

Have a wonderful Halloween weekend!
Ms. Thomas